Mission and Vision

The Iowa Health Care Center for Procedural Skills and Simulation is dedicated to providing quality, level-appropriate simulation education to a variety of medical learners, making effective advancements in scientific research, medical education, and patient safety.

We are dedicated to creating a unified simulation organization with the resources, structure and expertise to empower every department at Iowa Health Care to access the highest quality simulation education at every experience level.

Learning Objectives

We take pride in educating learners in our state-of-the-art simulation center, providing training and education for real-life scenarios in a safe, professional environment. CPSS works to repurpose unused supplies and equipment found in areas within our hospitals and clinics, cutting down on waste and providing accurate hands-on practice away from patient-care areas. We aim to build upon foundational skills of interpreting, analyzing, problem-solving and performing to ensure a fulfilling health care experience for our entire Iowa community.

ACS Accredited Education Institute

Interested in a Simulation Room?

Ready to hone your skills in scientific research, medical education, or patient safety and be the best version of yourself as a medical learner? Reserve a simulation room today.

Interested in a Course?

CPSS offers both Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) courses and Team-Based Simulation Design + Debrief (TSDD) classes. We are here to provide you with the learning and skills to advance your medical education.